Trusting your inner wisdom isn't always easy, but if you don't you will miss out on experiences in life. This is my story about trusting myself and my inner wisdom, and three ways that you can start listening to and trusting yourself more.
Full disclosure: I’ve never really trusted myself.
I’m not proud of this.
And besides that, this not trusting myself has caused me problems my entire life.
But I’ve changed all that.
I’ve learned that rather than going back and forth and making myself crazy, I've learned to take a breath and listen to myself.
So, for instance.
When I really want to do something and that desire keeps nagging at me, I know that this is something I must do.
I’ve never gone wrong by listening to my desires.
But it’s hard to sort out why I hold back unless I give myself a chance to sort it out...what’s keeping me from just doing that thing that I want...
This is Part 2 of the story about two people in my family who were caught off guard away from their homes in March by the pandemic.
Their story is one that will inspire you. If you didn’t have a chance, you’ll want to read Part 1 of the piece I wrote about how they got stranded. You can read it here.
She waited and waited for months for a possible opening to fly to Vanuatu, her new home.
The borders to this tiny country with no covid have been closed since March.
In September, a repatriation flight from Auckland opened up.
It took a boatload of emails and phone calls to the Vanuatu government and the New Zealand government in order to coordinate the tricky business of getting Bev on that flight. Stephanie, Bev's daughter, worked hours and hours to get clearance for Bev to fly.
There were so many on and then off again moments...for weeks until they knew that Bev was approved for the flight.
Read the article and follow me on Medium.
You can also listen to this podcast on Insight Timer.
When things happen outside of our control, it's normal to feel like we no longer have the power. So how can we turn this around?
You can also listen to this and follow me on Insight Timer:
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